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Scoring Mahjiang Hands

Scoring Mahjiang hands differ from version to version. Here's a general guide on Scoring Mahjiang Hands.

The following scores apply to all hands. A chow has no value except to complete the hand. A pair which is not of the player's own wind or a dragon has no value except to complete the hand.

Combinations on the table or exposed
Three of a kind simples (of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8) 2 points
Three of a kind terminals (of 1 or 9) 4 points
Three of a kind of any wind 4 points
Three of a kind of any dragon 4 points
Four of a kind simples (of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8) 8 points
Four of a kind terminals (of 1 or 9) 16 points
Four of a kind of any wind 16 points
Four of a kind of any dragon 16 points
A pair of any dragon or of player's own wind 2 points

Combinations in hands or concealed
Three of a kind simples (of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8) 4 points
Three of a kind terminals (of 1 or 9) 8 points
Three of a kind of any wind 8 points
Three of a kind of any dragon 8 points
Four of a kind simples (of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8) 16 points
Four of a kind terminals (of 1 or 9) 32 points
Four of a kind of any wind 32 points
Four of a kind of any dragon 32 points
A pair of any dragon or of player's own wind 2 points

Special Bonus Scores

The following scores only apply to the winner's hand.

Bonus Scores
"Game" or "Mah Jong" (for Winning Hand) 20 points
No scoring combinations in hand or on table 10 points
Winning piece drawn (not "Punged" or "Chowed") 2 points
Filling only possible place to win (as completing a pair or filling a straight in the middle or open on only one end) 2 points
Winning piece on special draw of a "loose tile" after 4 of a kind 10 points
No "chows" in hand or on table 10 points

Double Honour Scores

The following multipliers apply to all hands and are applied after all sets and bonus scores have been totalled.

Double Honour Scores
Three or four of own wind in hand or on table Score x 2
Three or four of prevailing wind in hand or on table Score x 2
Three or four of any dragon Score x 2
Going out by robbing a kong Score x 2
Going out on the last tile before the Dead Wall (may be either drawn or claimed) Score x 2
All but last tile concealed Score x 2
Fully concealed Score x 4
Hand entirely of one suit and honours Score x 2
Hand entirely of one suit or honours Score x 8
Hand entirely of terminals (not cumulative with above) Score x 2
Hand entirely of simples (not cumulative with above) Score x 2
Hand entirely of winds and dragons Score x 8
To win on original hand "Hand for Heaven" Score x 8

Should one hand contain more than one doubling honor combination, the score is doubled for each combination according to the above table. Thus, if a hand scores 40 and has, for example, 3 Red Dragons, 4 of your own wind, and all other pieces of the same suit, you double 40 three times, making your score 320.

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